The Green Peace Corps Mission

The Green Peace Corps is committed to realizing the goals of the sustainability movement by undertaking projects that are designed to change the way the world utilizes our environmental resources. Towards that end, we are committed to:

Partnering with local governments and like-minded communities to plan sustainable agricultural projects in cities, suburbs and towns

Organizing resources to equip communities improving local farming and food supply sustainability

Educate and equip communities in the United States to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels in agriculture.

Using international outreach to harness the immense potential of people from all nations

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Our Planet Needs Healing

All life on Earth depends on some 10 inches of fertile topsoil able to support plant life. The precious substance is rapidly being lost worldwide through floods, erosion, intensive farming methods, deforestation and other destructive practices. If this destruction continues, no amount of high technology will be able to feed us.

Clearly we need to change our ways. We must find our way back to an unadulterated natural lifestyle and learn how to restore our health by dealing with the causes, not just the symptoms, of our problems.’

The above quoted lines are excerpts taken from the introduction of the book The Gerson Therapy, which describes a holistic treatment that has cured cancer for many people. As this and other miraculous benefits of our natural world have been ignored or buried by our governments and media, the Green Peace Corps has a role to play in raising awareness and providing access and education to communities most severely impacted by climate change and the changes that have been made to our food supply.

The changes necessary for the children of the world

Presently our agriculture industry as a whole produces far more greenhouse gas than the carbon it sequesters in the soil making it a major polluter. In just a couple of decades we could reverse this trend with sustainable agriculture. By committing more land to use for sustainable agriculture we can sequester hundreds of billions of tons of carbon within our planet’s soil and biomass in coming decades!

The Green Peace Corps invites anyone interested in knowing more about us, or interested in contributing time, or money. Contact us at

Thank you,

Mark A Ramirez III

President, Green Peace Corps Inc.

The Power of Vision

“Vision without action is merely a dream;
Action without vision just passes the time;
Vision with action can change the world.”
– Joel Arthur Barker