
House Recycling

Deconstruction is the process of taking a building apart in the reverse order of construction to skillfully remove valuable building materials and save rich architectural history. It is estimated that buildings consume about 40% of the world’s energy and about 16% of the clean water. This impact is made more severe by careless demolition of […]


Building with Hemp

The making and use of cement concrete causes of an estimated 5% of global warming emissions. Hemp concrete made from hemp stalk is lighter and more porous and known to sequester carbon. Beautiful model homes have been made from hemp concrete and industrial hemp has finally been legalized in the United States and some other […]


Rainwater Storage By Design

“rainwater harvesting systems, including innovative roof pitches, gutters and water tanks can form the main water supply”

Climate Emergency

Bio-Fuel Myths

Biofuels invoke an image of renewable abundance that allows industry, politicians, the World Bank, the United Nations and even the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to present fuel from corn, sugarcane, soy and other crops as replacement for oil that will bring about a smooth transition to a renewable economy.

Climate Emergency

Transportation Emissions

The overwhelming majority of these emissions are produced by automobiles and their internal combustion engines. Simply put, the burning of gasoline and the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is threatening the environment on an unimaginable scale. As regulations begin to take effect to curb automobile emissions, semi-trucks roll onward, burning fuel at unprecedented levels.

Activist Archive Climate Emergency

Emissions of War

The Collateral Damage of Iraq: Our Military’s Assault on the Environment  With the United States currently waging two wars against the threat of global terrorism, the planet’s environmental health has become the latest bystander struck down in the crossfire. The sheer immensity of the ongoing war effort in Iraq has produced a staggering amount of greenhouse […]

Activist Archive Agriculture All Together Now! Climate Emergency Eco-Solutions

Local Food Movement

Eight Ways to Join the Local Food Movement By Sarah van Gelder, YES! MagazinePosted on April 1, 2009, Printed on April 4, 2009 1. From Lawn to Lunch To convert your sunny lawn to a lunch box, remove turf in long, 18-inch strips. Cut the edges of each strip with a sharp-bladed edging tool. While one partner rolls […]

Activist Archive Agriculture Climate Emergency

Genetic Modification

“Genetically Modified Crops” 1,500 Indian Farmers Commit Mass Suicide: Why We Are Complicit in these Deaths By Tara Lohan, AlterNetPosted on April 16, 2009, Printed on April 17, 2009 The headline has been hard to ignore. Across the world press, news media have announced that over 1,500 farmers in the Indian state of Chattisgarh committed […]

Activist Archive Climate Emergency

Water’s Fragile Status

Industry and EPA Collaborated to Hide the Truth about How Natural Gas Drilling Is Threatening Drinking Water By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica Posted on November 20, 2008, Printed on November 25, 2008 In July, a hydrologist dropped a plastic sampling pipe 300 feet down a water well in rural Sublette County, Wyo., and pulled up a load […]

Activist Archive Agriculture Climate Emergency Eco-Solutions

Nature’s Demise?

Honeybees Continue to Vanish: Don’t Blame Aliens — It’s Our Addiction to Pesticides That’s at Fault By Evaggelos Vallianatos, Posted on April 16, 2009, Printed on April 21, 2009 When I was teaching at Humboldt State University in northern California 20 years ago, I invited a beekeeper to talk to my students. He said […]